A Memorial for Mike will be held at 12.00 on Wednesday 9 December, at Haughley Park Barns, Haughley, Stowmarket, IP14 3JY. This is a map of the venue.
Following the service, the family is planning to serve hot food. It would be helpful to know how many people will be attending from the chess community so that I can provide likely numbers. Please email me (Bob) no later than this Sunday (6th) to let me know if you will be coming.
Following a heart attack, Mike died in a hospital on the island of Ometepe, in Nicaragua; he was cremated there. In lieu of flowers the family is planning to collect donations to support this hospital in some appropriate way. I'm sure the SCCA Committee will recommend a suitable donation, but individuals and clubs may also wish to donate. Again, please contact me for details.
The family is keen to gather memories of Mike. This may be an actual incident, something he used to say, or something you particularly remember him for. It can be funny (more likely) or sad .... basically anything you want to share about him. The family plans to put them in a book to share with everyone at the memorial and to remember him by afterwards. If you have any memories that you would like to share, please send them to me by email and I will pass them on.
I hope there can be a good representation at the Memorial from local chess-players. Many will remember Mike with great fondness. The photo above shows Mike about to start a game for the Suffolk Under 160 team in December 2014, when he beat Hertfordshire's Ian Mutton.
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