Many Suffolk players will have known Mike Taylor, who sadly died of a heart attack on Wednesday. A long-time member of the Bury St Edmunds Chess Club (and before that King's Gambit Brandon), Mike was on a cycling holiday in Central America with his wife Sally. He felt unwell on Tuesday and died suddenly the following day. In an email he had sent to me on Monday, he said he had cycled 46K to Lake Ometepe in Nicaragua, in tropical heat.
Mike worked for the Forestry Commission, and was responsible for the highly successful Forest Live concerts. Starting back in 2001, when Mike brought Jools Holland to Thetford Forest, these concerts are now held in seven locations around the UK.
Mike had been very busy at work this season and although he agreed to captain the Bury St Edmunds 'A' team, he had not been able to play. Only a fortnight ago, he and Sally moved from Mundford to Thurston, much closer to Bury; he had hoped this move would enable him to play more chess.
A strong County player (highest grade 176 in 1998) Mike would have played on Board 1 for the Suffolk Under 160 team on 6 December.
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